Monday, November 1, 2010

Blandair Work About To Start

A contract for phase one has been awarded!

From HoCo gov:

Phase I is located on the west side of Oakland Mills Road and it will contain the following amenities: three lighted, synthetic turf multi-purpose fields; one playground; a parking lot for 270 cars; and pathways for pedestrians and cyclists that will connect into the County’s existing pathway system. A second contract will be let in November 2010 for the construction of a picnic shelter and comfort station. Phase I completion is targeted for December 2011.


When the entire park is completed, it will preserve the majority of existing forest, wetlands, meadows and a historic farm complex, while providing active and passive recreation experiences. This unique site will afford visitors the opportunity to learn more about the County’s agrarian roots and enjoy nature -- right in Columbia’s backyard.

The Phase I Contract Agreement was awarded to Urban N. Zink, Contractor, Inc. of Chase, Maryland.

1 comment:

jessiex said...

ack. my internal radar on this one says it's over-development that doesn't understand cultural shifts and demographic shifts. i could end up being very wrong. but so could the county.