Sunday, November 16, 2008

Getting People Around Downtown

Here's some of the HoCo planning staff's recommendations for moving people around downtown:

1. The Plan should provide for more fully developed bicycle accommodations for a complete streets approach.
2. The Plan should cross-reference street types described in the General Plan amendment, design guidelines and roadway classifications in County’s Roads Design Manual on Exhibit H: Street Framework Diagram.
3. The Plan should include a timetable for feasibility studies of transit and major transportation improvements.
4. The Plan should address requiring provisions in the Adequate Public Facilities Act for regular, five-year reassessments of transportation strategies, their successes or failures, and requiring further mitigation and adjustment of future projections as needed.
5. The Plan should recommend review (at the FDP stage) of proposals for design and funding of pedestrian, bicycle and transit improvements across the existing grade-separated pedestrian overpass at Route 29 and connecting to Oakland Mills Village Center.
6. The Plan should identify a strategy for locating the transit hub and potential transit corridors.
7. The Plan should include alternative strategies to address parking systems in Downtown.
8. The Plan should include specific Design Guidelines for the treatment of garages to include retail in the ground floor levels in order to support a successful park-once approach and improve the pedestrian experience.

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