Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Signs of the Times

No more touts for exotic diets and college kid movers?

HoCo is on a crusade. Folks are fanning out to crack down on all those little illegal signs that "pop up like dandelions" along our streets and byways, according to our fair county exec.

According to this story in the Sun, state and county highway workers are gathering up the unsightly distractions during a three-day roundup.

"Letters will be sent to first-time offenders. If inspectors continue to see an illegal sign, a written violation notice will follow. The sign owner will have 10 days to remove the sign before fines may be assessed. A first offense can cost $50 per sign per day, doubled for second offenders," the story said.

You can alert the authorities to signs you don't like by filling out a form here.

Former council member Lloyd Knowles wonders if the county will also go after all those semi-permanent office lease signs showing up with more regularity these days.

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