Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Police To Meet With OM

The papers say police plan to meet with Oakland Mills residents tonight to talk about the recent shootings. Our spider sense tells us there's been an uptick in violence in recent months what with the stabbing at the Mall, the shooting in Wilde Lake and now two incidents in Stevens Forest. And that's just the incidents that get the headlines. On any given week you can read the crime logs to see reports of people accosted for their cell phone, iPod, wallet or whatnot.

Our guess is it is just a small group, stirring up trouble. But it's not unusual to see stray gaggles walking around the neighborhood in the early morning hours or to come across a cluster congregating in the road, seemingly toying with traffic.

We seem to recall back in the 90s police adopted a "flood the zone" strategy after getting special grants from the state to root out drug activity in specific neighborhoods.

Would that work here?

Here's a link to the Sun's story on tonight's meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the loft of the Other Barn, at 5851 Robert Oliver Place.

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