Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sun Closes Howard Bureau

This follows a similar move by WaPo.

From AP:

Sun Editor J. Montgomery “Monty” Cook announced the moves in a staff meeting Thursday afternoon, said Brent Jones, a Sun reporter and a unit chair with the Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild.

Cook and a Sun spokeswoman did not return messages seeking comment.

The Sun is ending lease agreements for its office space in Anne Arundel, Howard and Baltimore counties, Jones said. About 15 reporters and editors will move into the newspaper’s downtown office and will continue to cover their suburban beats, he said.


Anonymous said...

Marshmallow Man here-- this is sad news. Local news is best covered locally, not via commuting. Given the state of the economy though, I guess not surprising.

However, didn't the Sun close it's Howard bureau once before, about 20 years ago? Maybe these things run in cycles.

Wondering why the Sun didn't maintain local bureaus through Patuxent Publishing? Is Patuxent Publishing up for sale, I wonder?

Digital Immigrant said...

What does this mean for Howard County Times/Columbia Flyer coverage?