Monday, March 9, 2009

Road Hazards

Our friends over at the Friends of the Bicycling Advocates of Howard County sent us this survey they conducted of their members. They say 157 of 223 members responded.

The Worst Roads People Actually Ride

* Rt. 108 (15 % of responses)
* Homewood Rd. (6%)
* Folly Quarter (6%)
* Snowden River Parkway (5%)
* Rt. 103 (5%)

Roads People are Afraid to Ride

* Rt 40 (15% of responses)
* Rt 108 (6%)
* Rt 29 (6%)
* Rt 175 (5%)
* Snowden River Parkway (5%)

Road Hazards

* Cars driving at excess speed or above posted limits (37%)
* No shoulder or not enough shoulder (36%)
* Road surface (potholes, cracks) (14%)
* Road design (for example: poorly designed merges, humps, chokers) (9%)
* Poor signage (merges, cross streets, obstacles not signed) (3%)

Preliminary Conclusions

* 108 is the most heavily traveled road that people don’t like.
* 108 is also the 2nd most infamous road that people refuse to ride!
* Shoulders matter most.
* Cars seem to generally outpace the speed limit.

Top Roads Where Lack of Shoulders Are A Problem

* 108 (15%)
* Snowden River
Pkwy (7%)
* Homewood Rd. (6%)
* 40 (5%)

Top Roads Where Speed Is A Problem

* 108 (12%)
* Snowden River
Pkwy (6%)
* 40 (6%)
* 29 (5%)

Top Roads Where Surface Conditions Are A Problem

* 108 (10%)
* Homewood Rd. (8%)
* 144 (6%)

Top Recommendations

* Encourage the county officials to ride the routes they pave on bicycles so they can appreciate what the surface really feels like.
* I think the cyclists and farmers should get together and propose that a 4 foot shoulder with a swale be added to all roads.
* Engage politicians and prosecutors to ensure proper justice is served to distracted and drunk drivers that injure or kill cyclists or pedestrians in our area.
* Provide bicycle friendly crossovers of the major north/south highways in Howard County (Rt 1, I95, Rt 29, Rt 108, Rt 32, Rt 97 & Rt 94)

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