Thursday, March 19, 2009

Schools Limit Class Fees

From a school system newsletter:

Parents should notice a decrease in the number of requests for money coming from schools next year as a result of new procedures for assessing activity fees and developing school supplies lists. Effective for the 2009-2010 school year, schools may not charge activity fees or science insurance fees. Schools will be allowed to charge for the following:

• Field trip expenses to cover only the student’s actual cost to attend.
> • A fee of $15 for a high school parking pass.
> • A fee of $4 for each official transcript.
> • A per-page copy fee for copies of student records (currently $.20 per page).
> • The cost of personal items kept by the student after participation in extra-curricular athletic and performance programs, the cost of personalized items imprinted with the student’s name, and the cost of maintaining items (e.g., dry cleaning marching band uniforms).

Fees also may be charged by outside organizations for their services (e.g., Advanced Placement, SAT, and academic and industry certifications).

Parameters have also been developed for elementary, middle, and high school student supply lists to assure that school and classroom needs are being met adequately and equitably. The school system’s fiscal year 2010 Operating Budget Request includes additional funds of $300,000 in supplies and materials to support the implementation of these procedures.

Concerns raised by parents and others, led school-based and central office staff to collect and review information about fees parents are currently asked to pay and materials and supplies they are asked to provide. Staff recognized the need for a more uniform and equitable system of assessing student fees.

View the full report on BoardDocs, 3/12/09 Meeting of the Board here.

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