Thursday, January 29, 2009

Spring Break Is Safe

Never mind.

School officials have decided against doing away with the traditional spring break, according to this story in the Baltimore Examiner.

The Howard school board this year received more than 700 comments on the proposed calendar for the 2009-10 school year with most of them from parents, students and others pleading not to shorten the annual spring break by three days.

So the board recently voted to keep the current six-day break schedule so now spring break will be from April 2, 2010, until April 9, 2010.

Maybe we just need some more of that "flinty Chicago toughness" around here. After all, it's not like they don't already get some long breaks. Kids are just wrapping up a five-day two-hour break on account of regularly skedded leave combined with this week's snow and ice.

OK, we're just kidding people!

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